Fabulous Faux Calligraphy

So you want to learn to letter?

BUT, you're a little skeptical because you don't think you could do it with messy handwriting like yours. Or you think that it will take too much time learn & that it will require expensive or special tools.

Guess what? You don't need to have neat writing to learn to create beautiful lettering. Plus, it won't take a lot of time before you begin to see results. In fact, I'll help you improve your lettering in 7 days or less! And the best part is you don't need any fancy or expensive tools to do it. All you'll need is the printed workbook & any pen/pencil or marker will do!

What you'll get:

A 20+ page Faux Calligraphy Quick Start Guide: a PDF workbook containing basic stroke formation, Upper & Lowercase Alphabet, &  more. Plus you'll get Step-by-Step Video Instruction.

AND you'll get incredible Bonuses including:

1. A Printable Digital Download that will keep you motivated to create.

2. A List of Common Words/Greetings samples (to trace & practice) that you can use today.

And the most exciting & actionable BONUS of all:

3. Envelope Addressing Mini Instruction: Includes a Free Printable Envelope Template, & Video Instruction on how to address an envelope using Faux Calligraphy.

Put a smile on someone's face by sending them a little snail mail with their name done in Faux Calligraphy!

Now is the time to Letter Like a BOSS!

6 Sections

1. Getting Started

There's no better way to begin a lettering journey than to start with Fabulous Faux Calligraphy.

Follow along with me as I take you through all the steps necessary to learn a new skill that will have you lettering on anything & everything you can imagine!

3. Building a Solid Foundation

In this module we'll learn the Basic Strokes which will be the foundation for all our lettering. 

4. Learning our ABCs

Now for the "meat & potatoes" of the course!

We will now begin to form letters. We will start with the Lowercase Alphabet because as you will see, our basic strokes will come in handy here.

Then we will move on to working with the Uppercase Alphabet.

I want to remind you that when you are practicing along with me & on your own, do it for about 10 minutes. If you practice longer than that you may notice your hand beginning to tire/or get sore.

To avoid this happening, make sure to not grip your pen/marker too tightly...we don't need a 'death grip' on it, & also take breaks every 10 minutes or so & shake out your hands.

5. Putting it all together

This is where we learn to connect letters to form words. *Hint It's easier than you think!

Sections for this product 6
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